ASSIST News and Updates

ASSIST News and Updates



ASSISTance: March 2020

General Updates

  • Coronavirus/COVID-19 - Undoubtedly, the COVID-19 pandemic has affected all of us in far-reaching and unprecedented ways. ASSIST remains committed to serving the articulation community and all ASSIST users in both traditional and creative ways.

    • The ASSIST team were highly experienced remote workers prior to the COVID-19 outbreak. We do not anticipate any change or interruption in supporting the ASSIST website or its users.
    • Our colleagues at Fairway Technologies have also transitioned to remote work models as appropriate. We do not anticipate any change or slowdown in the velocity with which they are troubleshooting reported issues in ASSIST and continuing their development work for the ASSIST project.
    • ASSIST will maintain a consistent virtual presence at all scheduled meetings, conferences, and events.
We wish you good health and hope you are taking care of yourself and each other.
  • The One Million Mark - In addition to agreements exported from old ASSIST into new ASSIST, the ASSIST website now displays more than 1,000,000 new articulation agreements since launching agreement publishing capabilities last year. Congratulations to CSU Monterey Bay for publishing the 1,000,000th agreement! Many thanks go out to all CSU and UC articulation officers and specialists who continue in their efforts to create, review, adjust, and publish department, prefix, major, and general education agreements. 

For Articulation Officers and Data Managing Users

  • ASSIST Curriculum Publishing Tracking Spreadsheet - In an effort to help support the accurate display of course and articulation data in ASSIST, recommended guidelines related to the publication of curriculum updates were recently communicated. The establishment of recommended curriculum publishing guidelines provide a consistent and dependable structure for when course additions, changes, and terminations can be expected systemwide. This  will create additional certainty for CSU and UC articulation officers when updating agreements with other campuses. 

    To support users and increase visibility with curriculum updates, ASSIST also recently provided a shared spreadsheet for each campus to indicate when curriculum updates for a specific term are finalized. In the shared spreadsheet, users are able to indicate when they are finished publishing data changes in ASSIST for a given term.

    To access this spreadsheet located in the ASSIST folder of the CIAC shared drive, you will need permission to access the CIAC shared drive. Please contact Alison Wiles at CSU San Bernardino directly for support with gaining that access.

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    About ASSIST

    The ASSIST program mission is to facilitate transfer from California Community Colleges (CCC) to the California State University (CSU) and the University of California (UC) by providing comprehensive articulation information to students and to those who serve them.

    Contact ASSIST

    T: 510.987.9551